Sunday, April 23, 2006

Frequently Asked Questions

This posting is designed to cover the whats, wheres and hows of our group.

What happens?
We meet every month, on a different day of the week, to discuss political themes for about an hour and a quarter. The format will vary but we will usually have some kind of short introduction to the topic, either by myself or by another volunteer, and then we will open up to a lively debate, chaired by myself or by someone else.

Where is it?
It's held at Churchill House, Chobham Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 4AA. The meeting room is on the top floor. Churchill House is at the Woking town end of Chobham Road, just next door to the Lorna Doone Dental Surgery.

What time does it start?
It starts at 7.30pm and tends to wind up at about 8.45pm (following which there is usually a pub contingent who carry on in the Wheatsheaf Pub on Chobham Road).

What does it cost?
There is a voluntary charge of £2. You don't have to pay it, but it helps us to cover photocopying and other administrative costs.

Who comes?
We welcome members of the Conservative party and also non-members, friends and family. We tend to have between 15 and 25 people at each event (so far), and there is a good mix of ages.

Do I have to speak?
Not at all. If you like you can just listen to the discussion, but we hope you will feel like putting your opinion forward.

How much should I know about the topic?
Nothing or everything. It is brilliant to have experts along, but if you are not an expert you may still have an opinion, and it is a chance to quiz any experts that we may have in the room. The idea is to improve our knowledge of political policy, so that we are better informed, and also to feed back our group's opinions to Conservative Party Central Office, so that they can take our views and ideas into account when policy-making.

Can I suggest a topic?
Yes - email the Woking Conservatives office at, and mark the email for Helen, and I'm always happy to receive suggestions.

Can I get involved in organising?
Please do! Again, email me and let me know if you are interested in organising, introducing or chairing events. I am always looking for keen volunteers!

Is there a mailing list?
Yes, there is. To get on it, to get reminders of monthly events and any updates, email the office on and mark the email for Helen.


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